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Vol. 23 No. 2 (2025): January 2025
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Published: 2025-01-30

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MEDIA MAHARDHIKA is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Accounting, STIE MAHARDHIKA Surabaya Indonesia, three times a year (January, May, and September). MEDIA MAHARDHIKA aims to publish articles in the field of accounting and finance that provide a significant contribution to the development of accounting practices and the accounting profession in Indonesia and in the world. Consistent with its purpose, MEDIA MAHARDHIKA provides insights into the field of accounting and finance for academics, practitioners, researchers, regulators, students, and other parties interested in developing accounting practices and the accounting profession. MEDIA MAHARDHIKA accepts either quantitative or qualitative research manuscripts in Indonesian or English. MEDIA MAHARDHIKA accepts manuscripts from Indonesian authors and also authors from various parts of the world.

Penasehat: Andri Radiany, B.Ft., SE., MM; Penanggung Jawab: Dr., Ir. Sundjoto, MM.; Pemimpin Umum: Dr. Sri Rahayu, SE., MM; Pemimpin Redaksi: Dr. Purwanto, SE., MM; Dewan Editor: Dr. Kuswandi, Dr. Pompong Budi Setiadi, Dr. Asmirin Noor, Rika Yuliastanti., SE., MM; Mitra Bebestari: Prof. Dr. Amiartuti Kusumaningtiyas, MM. (Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya), Dr. Wan Adibah Wan Ismail, ACMA., CGMA. (University Teknologi Mara, Malaysia), Dr. Khairul Anuar Kamarudin (University Of Wollongong, Dubai), Dr. Sanju Kumar Shing (Univesity Tribhuvan, Nepal), Dr. Miguel Angel Esquivias Padilla, IE., M.SE. (Universitas Airlangga), Dr. Suhermi (STESIA Surabaya), Dr. Ari Kamayanti (Polinema Malang), Dr Aji Dedi Mulawarman (Universitas Brawijaya), Dr. (Cand) Eva Wany, SE., M.Ak. (Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya), Dr. Agus Sukoco ST., MM (Universitas Narotama Surabaya) Manajemen: Parwita Setya Wardani, SE., M.Si., Evi Thelia Sari SE., M.Art, Etin Puspita Sari, S.Sos, Anita Kartika Sari, ST., MT., MM.

ISSN: 0854-0861 (Print) ISSN: 2407-4950 (Online)

Alamat Redaksi: BADAN PENERBIT MAHARDHIKA, Jalan Wisata Mananggal 42A Surabaya
Telp. (031) 8550077


Terima Kasih kepada semua pihak yang menyukseskan Jurnal Media Mahardhika untuk tetap menjadi Media komunikasi Ekonomi dan Manajemen


Media Mahardhika is a periodic publication as a means to disseminate the results of research and science in the field of economics, eISSN: 2407-4950. Published by STIE Mahardhika Surabaya. The journal has been published three times a year since 2016. Experts in a double-blind peer review system review each article. Media of Mahardhika received the writing or scientific work of research results in economics, management, and accounting, which has not been published in other journals. and its accredited by SINTA.